Titti Nordieng – About

The Communication Agency Ninetyfive AB is owned by Titti Nordieng. Her expertise is based on more than 20 years’ experience of communication and education. She is a university-trained communicator and a certified coach.

Ninetyfive is about a communication concept designed to tap into unexploited potential that can lead to further understandings and growth. In organisations and in humans. Did you know … that human beings have around 60 000 thoughts a day? About 95 percent of those thoughts are the same as yesterday. If we continue thinking the same, we override the potential for new ideas and growth. So, what if we’d explore a bigger picture with new ways of thinking in connection with others?

A little more concrete please…

You may wonder, how can communication encourage organizational development? Well, it can for instance support the digitalization in large companies, or help employees understand the business plan at a personal, team and company level, or even create connections and productive collaborations and support people in making purposeful choices out of a big picture perspective.

It’s about making others cool…

Time is here to replace the ’What’s in it for me?’ approach’ with ’How can I support you?’. Make others cool, as Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella says. We may think communication is about getting someone to quietly swallow our messages and see the world as we do. But what if it can help us see beyond ourselves and understand others.

As a Communication Manager Titti Nordieng has successfully communicated technical deployments worldwide. She uses simple words and playful metaphors to explain facts and contexts that at first glance seem difficult to understand.


Titti Nordieng

“Finding words and storytelling for what is perceived abstract is an important part of my communication. We can all understand most stuff, if we just make it understandable.”